If you haven not yet ditched plastic bags, here are four reasons, that’ll hopefully get you to bring them with you on your next grocery trip!
1. Save your money!
Some grocery stores offer a discount when you bring a reusable bag. When at the check out, ask your cashier if the store offers bag discounts. It’s typically five cents per bag, but - that adds up! Every little bit helps when you’re on a budget!
2. Engage in activism.
Your voice matters. By purchasing a tote bag with a message, you can easily become a walking billboard for a good cause. You can also search up brands who make custom reusable grocery bags in wide variety of styles and prints. Don’t want to buy reusable bags? Get creative! There are cool ways to make grocery shopping less routine and a bit more fun!
3. Say no to more clutter.
You don’t realize just how many bags have piled underneath the sink until they’ve taken over. Create more space and storage areas by decluttering your cupboards.
When switching to reusable bags, check to see if your plastic bags are recyclable! You never know what they can be repurposed into.
4. Create an efficient grocery trip.
Cloth bags are far more likely to be sturdier and less likely to collapse on you from the grocery store to your home. Having a full bag cave in on you at the parking lot is NOT fun!
All kinds of ECO bag & Shopping bag click http://www.chengbaibag.com